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Courage to Be Seen Podcast Radio with Sherrie Clark – Striving to assist others with achieving their dreams: Change your mind Change your life

Courage to Be Seen Podcast Radio with Sherrie Clark – Striving to assist others with achieving their dreams: Change your mind Change your life

  02/17/2022  03:00 pm PDT

SherrieClark-CouragetoBeSeen-ChangeYourMindChangeYourLifeIt is crazy to think about 2022 is the third year of this crazy pandemic we have been living.  When I think back to 2020 and how everything started and how things started shutting down. Then I fast forward to today, what has changed? What part of your life has gone back to normal? What part has been frozen in time for the last couple years?  Reflecting on this leads me to think about a larger issue or problem.  Do you feel stuck in a rut? If so, you may say it is because of the pandemic, you are trying to or waiting to get back to normal.  However, I challenge you to be honest with yourself. The chance is, if you feel stuck in a rut now, then you probably felt this way before the pandemic started.  What if the key to achieving the success you desire was as simple as changing your mind?  Listen to this episode and we will discus how you can change your life by simply changing your mind.


sherrie clark host of courage to be seen podcast radio on

Sherrie Clark

Courage to Be Seen Radio with Sherrie Clark Every 3rd Thursday at 3pm pacific / 6pm eastern! Are you living the life you desire, experiencing success, and accomplishing y...

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