cosmos talk radio
Reality Reimagined with Gale West: Expand Your Mind ~ Elevate Your Spirit ~ Transform Your World: Money As Love? with Ellena Lynn Lieberman

Reality Reimagined with Gale West: Expand Your Mind ~ Elevate Your Spirit ~ Transform Your World: Money As Love? with Ellena Lynn Lieberman

  02/08/2024  10:00 am PDT

Gale West, Human Evolution, Conversations, spirituality, Café of Delight, joyous delight, riveting interviews, personal transformation, global transformation, Ellena Lynn Lieberman, akashic records, dnyamic manifestationIf the world is an abundant place why do so many people struggle with money? Is money actually the root of all evil? Or could its true potential be Divine Source expressing as money?

So much judgement, shame, fear and anger is projected on to money, keeping it hostage in an economic system/paradigm that serves few. It isn’t money’s fault. But, how to change?

My guest, colleague and mentor in the Akashic Records Ellena Leiberman and I will explore how our relationship with love, boundarylessness, wealth and receiving intersects with flow…particularly financial flow.

As we individually and collectively release our own judgement, shame, fear and anger around money we open the door to allow the abundant flow of divine love to permeate and create a new economic system where all can thrive. One that is generous and collaborative.

Join us to begin the process of dancing with money in joy and delight


Gale West M.A.

Gale West M.A.

Reality Reimagined with Gale West: Expand Your Mind ~ Elevate Your Spirit ~ Transform Your World  Reality Reimagined, on Transformation Talk Radio is your opportunity ...

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Ellena Lynn Lieberman, The Akashic Records, The Principles of Dynamic Manifestation As Received Through the Akashic Records, Dynamic Manifestation

Ellena Lynn Lieberman

With steadfast commitment, Ellena Lynn Lieberman has devoted 34 years inspiring others to realize inner growth through the transformational process of accessing The Akashic ...

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