Be Happy Now Show with Claudia-Sam: Flex Your Soul Connection Muscle and be Your Inner Guide to Fulfillment: Is your body trying to tell you something important?
10/27/2022 03:30 pm PDT
Claudia-Sam is happy to share with you an episode that seems to be going unnoticed and it’s an important one.
How often do you find yourself ignoring your body and somehow it gets worse?
How many times have you felt a headache, lower back pain, tiredness, sinus infection and have blamed it on the weather, the way you were sitting, or the fact that you’re getting older solely?
Claudia-Sam felt inspired to share the episode called What is your inner body indicator of stress? And bring it back up in the feed of the be happy now show with a new name.
She's calling this « Is your body trying to tell you something important? »
She hopes that you can use this episode to be inspired by your body and get to re-connect and grow alongside your body.
Love yourself a little bit more today!
To book an Empowerment Activation call with Claudia-Sam in October and November 2022 only, please go here.
Claudia-Sam Cataford Sauvé
Be Happy Now Show with Claudia-Sam: Flex your Soul Connection Muscle and Be Your Inner Guide to Fulfillment Are you ready to ditch the self-care guilt and quit the go-go-go-...
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