Ascending With The Arcturians with Viviane Chauvet: Quantum DNA - 12 Strands
05/28/2021 03:00 pm PDT
In the next episode of "Ascending with the Arcturians", we discuss the matrix of your Quantum DNA, its encoded memories through your soul's journey, and the DNA template. You will learn a potent breathing technique called "The Golden Light of the Sun" to relaxe, energize and absorb more light the entire system. We will do an active DNA visualization, and more! Plus, we have a cosmic message for you. Join us!
Viviane Chauvet
Ascending With The Arcturians with Viviane Chauvet Welcome to Ascending with the Arcturians with your host, Viviane Chauvet. Viviane is an Arcturian hybrid, intergalactic h...
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