Archived Episodes
Tips On How To Stay Healthy-Hayes! Animals in Medical Experiments-Trunnell!
Nicole Hayes shares how to maintain healthy habits all season long. From sleep and stress support to joint health and beauty from the inside out! Tips to help you live the healthiest version of you...
Dr. Pat visits with Mary Jane Mack and Nancy Mack
How can you improve your health and wellness?
Essence Festival Goes Virtual and Continues to Uplift Black Culture with Raj Register
The ESSENCE Festival, widely recognized as an unprecedented weekend of cultural celebrations, empowerment seminars and nightly musical performances by top tier artists has continued to be regarded as the event of t...
Encore: Coping with Social Isolation: Staying Mentally Healthy with Julia King
Today’s show is all about checking in with everyone and making sure we are taking good care of our mental and physical health during the COVID-19 outbreak and quarantine. What is happening right now in the wo...
Insurance Information-Kevelighan! First Responders-Egerton/Fields! Insulin-Vicari/Peters!...
Sean Kevelighan advises on ways to check up on insurance needs. Whether it is automobile, homeowners, renters, or life insurance, now is a good time to review your current policies for saving money...
Monday, May 25, 2020
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Sean Kevelighan , Jessica Egerton , Elizabeth Fields , Andy Vicari & Anne Peters MD , Alan H. Gluskin D.D.S
The Healing Guide to Flower Essences with Guest Alena Hennessy!
Alena Hennessy discusses her new book, The Healing Guide to Flower Essences. She provides insight into how to connect with the magic and frequency of flower essences. The power of Nature to heal has been ac...
Ageless Living Television Series with George and Sedena Cappannelli!
The Ageless Living Television Series is a breakthrough 40 Episode Series Featuring 22 Award-Winning, Best Selling authors who present information, inspiration and valuable life strategies on subjects that range fro...
Coping with the "New Normal": Staying Mentally Healthy during Social Isolation with Julia...
Today’s show is all about checking in with everyone and making sure we are taking good care of our mental and physical health during the COVID-19 outbreak and quarantine. What is happening right now in the wo...
Easy Sugar Break-Up with author Rena Greenberg!
Easy Sugar Beak-Up: Break the Habits and Addictions That Control You!
Home Buyer Grants-Barkley! Period Taboo-King & Davis! 4-Legged Heroes-Bones! Migraine App...
AJ Barkley discusses how qualified buyers can receive as much as $17,500 to help them purchase a home with Bank of America's new Down Payment Grant program and reveals tools and resources available to low-to modera...
Monday, September 30, 2019
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: AJ Barkley , Dr. Kiarra King , Cece Jones-Davis , Bobby Bones , Linda Porter Ph.D.
Breastfeeding Rights-Criso! Hope to Lung Cancer Patients-Dr Higgins!
Shari Criso reminds expectant mothers of their rights in the workplace and offers strategies for breastfeeding success! She shares the results of a survey conducted by Wakefield Research regarding working moms and ...
Alexis Brink author of The Art of Jin Shin!
The Japanese ancient healing art of Jin Shin, balancing your body and heal yourself with your own hands, clear step by step Illustrated guide written by a trained expert with three decades of experience.
Lyme Wellness - A Decade of Disease, Discovery, and Dedication with Dr. Nooshin Darvish
Lyme Talk Radio with Dr. Pat Baccili and Dr. Nooshin Darvish talk about Lyme Disease. Their first show aired in 2007, when no one was talking about Lyme Disease yet. Tune-in to hear relevant and transformative conv...
"Givin' Up the Ghost!" with Wendy Williams!
Listen in as Wendy & Dr. Pat discuss what leads to Earth-bound energies (ghosts), how soul retrievals can improve your health, and the amazing power of forgiveness.
Are You Spiritual & Broke? with author Jennifer Noel Taylor
How to discover your life purpose with Jennifer Noel Taylor! In Spiritual and Broke, Jennifer discusses, what she believes is one of the biggest blocks to manifesting what you want. Jennifer refers to this ...
The Creative Genius of Dr. Darvish and Holistique Groundbreaking IV Lounge: Infusing Heal...
Holistique IV Lounge is Washington's first IV Lounge and aimed to set the bar high. The only place to come in to be infused with health and wellbeing! Experience relaxation, rejuvenation, elation, balance, ...
Your Financial tightrope-Moen, What is Pulmonary fibrosis-Lederer, Workplace mental healt...
Financial expert insight on the inportance of lie insurance and top tips on achieving greater financial security with Goeff Moen. Making any kind of financial decision, including buying life i...
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Geoff Meno , Dr. David Lederer , Dr. Paul Grubel , Michelle Jackson
The Diabetes Cookbook: 300 Recipes for Healthy Living special guest Chef Jennifer Bucko L...
The Diabetes Cookbook is full of recipes that are satisfying and delicious. It's the only cookbook to take into account a variety of healthy eating patterns that will appeal to everyone, with or wi...
Encore: Good News Segment: The Alka-Rocket Challenge-Ray Kerins, Medicare enrollment-Ray ...
The Alka-Rocket Challenge students compete to blast their way into the Guinness World records and highlight the importance of Stem Education. The Bayer Alka-Rocket Challenge will be held December 12 at Florida&rsqu...
Workplace Challenges Exist After Cancer Diagnosis-Rebecca Nellis & Sonia Kashuk:Medicare ...
According to the CDC, the number of cancer patients and survivors will reach almost 18 million in the next decade, and almost half will be diagnosed at a working age. The ability to manage employment after a cancer...
Testosterone- A game changer for men and woman
Andropause is when testosterone production declines and estrogens increase in men creating an array of symptoms including difficulty handling stress. A decline in mood, muscle tone, libido, brain fog, sexual functi...
Encore: Why do we need to take care of ourselves, prevent disease, cancer, etc?
Our Health – Why do we need to take care of ourselves, prevent disease, cancer, and now your risks?
Good News Segment: The Alka-Rocket Challenge-Ray Kerins, Medicare enrollment-Ray Hurd
The Alka-Rocket Challenge students compete to blast their way into the Guinness World records and highlight the importance of Stem Education. The Bayer Alka-Rocket Challenge will be held December 12 at Florida&rsqu...