Archived Episodes
Welcome to 2023, A Year of Great Change. It's up to us to support each other and share o...
We are saying Goodbye to 2022, a challenging year of lessons for many of us. We have learned a lot. We welcome 2023 with our newfound wisdom, courage, and strength as we pioneer into unknown terri...
Stepping Into Feminine Divinity (Part 3) with Kornelia Stephanie and Meena Puri
A podcast Episode with Kornelia Stephanie and Meena Puri A major part of stepping into your own divinity is to peel away the definitions, the limitations, the meaning imposed on women for centuries. This is no easy...
Connect with Extraterrestrials with Special Guest Glo Rod
Gain a greater awareness of your relationship with Extraterrestrials, energy, and other consciousness. Remember, we are all one! Watch live on Facebook.
Burning Flame with guest host Brittany Miles
I'm inspired by a letter received from Unity about their Burning Bowl ritual. As this is the last day of 2020 (thank goodness), what are you willing to let go of? What parts of 2020 do you wish to make peace with? ...
Power is Love with Special Guest Sarah Mane!
Pure Universal Love is ever-present and powerful. Remembering this and connecting with the love within, means we see the uniting factors which bring us all together. Join Dr Pat and Sarah Mane as they discuss the h...
Divine Spirit - What They Want Us to Know with Special Guest Kerry Cadambi!
Kerry is an Intuitive Healer and a Medium. She regularly channels messag-es from her Higher Order Spirit Guides, what she often refers to as Divine Spirit Guidance. The purpose of their guidance is to share message...
Self Realization/Self Actualization, Authentic Sovereign Expression with Kornelia Stephan...
Self Realization/Self Actualization, Authentic Sovereign Expression with Kornelia Stephanie. 1-800-930-2819 TOTALLY TRANSPORTED. To another planet right here on earth, a higher state of mind....
A Taste of Hakomi, with Dennis Gaither
Hakomi is a way of being with another that is, in essence, mindfulness based assisted self-study. It is experiential, focused on the present and makes use of reactions evoked by little experiments with a person in ...
What about God, Christianity, and Christ in the new world.
Do you feel separate from your creator? Do you feel torn about the religious dogma and the new paradigm that is being birthed? Do you feel uncertain about what religion is better? Being a Christian, Islam or a Budd...
The Hidden Energetic & Spiritual Causes Behind All Illnesses with Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe
Illness and suffering emanate from subconscious images. These images are actually subtle light patterns and can also be stored in the heart and soul.Early on in Dr. Jaffe's career he began to notice how...
Life is a Transformation: Celebrating and Finding Peace within the Chaos, with Jimi Ohm
In honor of the 50th Episode of Lucid Planet Radio, Dr. Kelly welcomes back her partner and regular guest, vibrational alchemist Jimi Ohm, to discuss transformation as a life-long process of finding peace while we ...
Life is a Transformation: Celebrating and Finding Peace within the Chaos, with Jimi Ohm
In honor of the 50th Episode of Lucid Planet Radio, Dr. Kelly welcomes back her partner and regular guest, vibrational alchemist Jimi Ohm, to discuss transformation as a life-long process of finding peace while we ...
Integrating Science, Art, and Spirituality with Media for Global Change
Dr. Kelly interviews Jacob Devaney of Unify, Uplift Connect and Culture Collective this week about the intersec...