Archived Episodes
What is Kundalini Energy and What Happens Once It’s Activated with Co-host Dr. Dan Cohen
Dr. Cohen, a neurologist, will discuss his thoughts about Kundalini energy and the resulting spiritual awakening. The topics discussed will include how these changes shift a person’s self-identity, awareness and feeli...
Shift Happens - Co-host TJ Woodward
There is a powerful shift happening in consciousness on our planet at this time. It is a shift from mind-based DOING to heart-based, intuitive BEING. Please join Dr. Pat and spiritual author and teacher TJ Woodward as...
Creating a Daily Practice for Empowerment with Gates of Power Nomi Bachar
Nomi offers a very specific technique for creating a practical and grounded daily practice. A practice that keeps you centered, inspired and consistently moving towards your fulfillment in all 7 areas of life.
The Choice for Consciousness, Tools for Conscious Living with Veronica Torres
Eloheim is best known for their dozens of easy-to-apply tools that offer life-changing support for personal transformation.Tools that require no props, no rituals, no religious beliefs, and can be easily incor...
Guest Host Christine Upchurch - Lift the veil of self sabotage and change your habits for...
Do you ever “get in your own way?” Do you set goals and then “sabotage” your own success? Do you fall into habits that keep you feeling stuck, blocked, or limited? If so, take heart! The very behaviors that have b...
I CAN HEAL®: A Revolutionary New Paradigm for Self-Healing with Author Dr. Wendy Treynor
Join us for an interview with Dr. Wendy Treynor, author of The Giftof Cancer: Turn Your Tragedy into a Treasure… A Treasure Map to Happiness! and creator of I CAN HEAL®: A Revolutionary New Paradigm fo...
The Spirituality of Age: A Seeker's Guide to Growing Older by Robert L. Weber, Ph.D., and...
As we enter the years beyond midlife, our quest for an approach to aging takes on added urgency and becomes even more relevant in our daily lives. Empowering a new generation of seekers to view aging as a spiritual pa...
4 Things You Can Use to Eliminate Limitation for Good & Transform Your Life with Co-host ...
Find out more about the Access Consciousness Workshop "5 Days to Change Your Life" that includes The Bars, Foundation and Level One with facilitators Dr. Glenna Rice and Dr. Andrew Gardella
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Co-Host: Dr. Glenna Rice
Guests: Dr. Glenna Rice , Dr. Andrew Gardella
Turbo-Charge Your Transformation with Christine Upchurch
As seekers of transformation, many of us find ourselves frustrated with how long it can take to shift certain patterns in our life—whether it be a health problem, relationship issues, financial struggle, or even the q...
Energy Frequency Readings: Intuitive Paintings with Dr Jenn
Dr Jenn is back with her artist tools for intuitive paintings of your energy field. An energy frequency intuitive reading with angelic guidance for positive changes. Now that we've experienced the recent frequency shi...
The Empowered Self Series Co-host Dr. Friedemann Schaub: The Empowered Self #16: Benefits...
Do you have the every alluring habit of comparing yourselves with others? May be you compare yourself with a colleague at work, who gets one promotion after another, while your efforts seem to get ignored. Or you are ...
Getting Your Hands on the Controls of Your Life with Mark Rayner
We will be discussing how most people run on auto pilot and have ended up living a life from bits and pieces collected along life journey from various experiences. People feel trapped and are desperately looking for a...
Saint Germain on Advanced Alchemy book inspired on David C. Lewis
Alchemy works! Delve into the deepest secrets of advanced spiritual alchemy with David Christopher Lewis’ new book, Saint Germain on Advanced Alchemy: HeartStreaming in the Aquarian Age, Volume 1. Saint Germain himsel...
A warm welcome to Dr. Kelly Neff, the director of the LucidPlanet
A warm welcome to Dr. Kelly Neff, the director of the, a website that inspires healing, transformation, and growth across so many different areas, from healing the body to quieting the mind, to helping...