Archived Episodes
The Top 3 Ways for Creating Inner Peace claiming your spiritual power in the "Midst of Tu...
We must learn to be masters of our emotions. Using the power of your emotions as a guide to liberation, Kornelia Stephanie will share practices that deliver the key to your well-being and health as you claim ...
Autumn Vibes: An Exploration of the Equinox, Samhain, and Occult Detectives with Judika I...
This week, don't miss a brand new show with witchcraft expert and author Judika Illess, here to speak with Dr. Kelly all about the seasonal changes that happen in Autumn- with a focus on metaphysics, psychic phenom...
Embracing the Vibration of Change™ with Christine Upchurch
How do we catch the wave toward positive change? Join writer, presenter, coach, and radio talk show host Christine Upchurch as she explains why successful change depends less on the steps we take to create that cha...
Devina Kaur - Author, Entrepreneur, Media Personality but best described as an ‘Eccentric...
Devina shares her powerful message of self-love, empowerment and body confidence with Dr. Pat. She describes her Sexy Brilliant movement as a self-love uprising which inspires and nurtures us to live an authentic, ...
Soul Awakening - Learn to Love Yourself, Heal Your Body and Mind, and Celebrate Life with...
Soul Awakening is all about Rewiring YOUR Life. Join author and spiritual growth coach, Audrey Michel, as she shares how to Rewire Your Life. She will also be giving away a spot in her online Master Class Soul Awak...
Releasing the Spiritual Myths Which Bind Us
Over the past few decades, many released the religious dogma of their upbringing in order to embrace a broader notion of spirituality. However, within this consciousness movement a new set of unspoken rules has eme...
Navigating the Storm with Christine Upchurch
Whether facing personal upheaval or just trying to maintain balance in a seemingly crazy world, life can sometimes feel chaotic. So how do we effectively deal with the stormy times? Join radio talk show host and ch...
Living Quietly with Karen Casey, Author of 52 Ways to Live the Course in Miracles
Anyone who is searching for a greater connection to that Inner Voice that always offers us the pathway to peace will gain from listening to this show. Karen shares her thoughts on how we can bring greater peace int...
A Short Path to Change: 30 Ways to Transform Your Life with Author Jennifer Mannion
Change does not have to feel impossible or take forever. There are many easy and fast tools we can bring into our life that catalyze quick and lasting change.
Life As You Like It with Co-host Joy Elaine
Joy Elaine and Dr. Pat discuss the process of making your life work and supporting the changes you desire as well as becoming free of old disempowering stories. You will also learn how to access a free "All Year Pl...
2017 The Crustbusting Way with Dr. Pat!
Your words, your thoughts, and your beliefs are the most powerful tools you have for living the life you want. They are the steel, crowbar, jackhammer, and dynamite used to blast through the Crust that holds you ba...
Put the WOWs in Your VOWs: The Power of Making Vows to Yourself First with Special Guest ...
Vows.......Why did many of us accept old vows in this life time? Yes, we brought them forward from previous lifetimes to the NOW. Releasing these old mindset Vows is extremely important. Brie and Dr. Pa...
Divine Guidance with Co-host Dr. Dan Cohen
Twice in his life Dr. Cohen received divine guidance. In both instances the information was presented to him with unmistakable clarity and in both cases the information was transmitted to him in a manner that could...
Life is a Transformation: Celebrating and Finding Peace within the Chaos, with Jimi Ohm
In honor of the 50th Episode of Lucid Planet Radio, Dr. Kelly welcomes back her partner and regular guest, vibrational alchemist Jimi Ohm, to discuss transformation as a life-long process of finding peace while we ...
Life is a Transformation: Celebrating and Finding Peace within the Chaos, with Jimi Ohm
In honor of the 50th Episode of Lucid Planet Radio, Dr. Kelly welcomes back her partner and regular guest, vibrational alchemist Jimi Ohm, to discuss transformation as a life-long process of finding peace while we ...
Being a Soul Purpose Advocate with Everyday Spirituality Co-host Nancy Monson
The path to living your soul’s purpose and potential is fraught with diversions and blocks. The ego struggles to let go of who it’s been to allow a new and greater expression of the soul to emerge. Not ...
Detox Your Life: Live Clean with Lifestyle 120 Co-host T. Kari Mitchell - Part 2 of 2
This two-part series has placed you in the flow of abundance and your transformation has begun! You’re beginning to eat clean AND live clean each day! In this episode you will discover ways to refresh your mi...
Thank You My Wicked Parents - A Golden Gift from Author Richard Bach with Devra Ann Jacobs
This special little book by Richard Bach, will be helpful to any age person who has suffered any kind of abuse by their parents, so they can see the abuse does not have to define them. "Little Thank You...
What Does it Mean to Live Healthy? with Co-founder of ConsciousLifestyler Tyler Tolman
Tyler shares how to live cleanly and how to help others live healthy.He offers a global online community that helps its members to improve their health and take control of their lives through natural and healt...
Change Your Aura - Change Your Life with Dimitri Moraitis
Everything you think, feel, and do radiates a spiritual energy that comes through in various colors and hues: This is your aura. The aura is your spiritual blueprint. By changing the quality of your aura, you can a...
Detox Your Life: Live Clean with Lifestyle 120 Co-host T. Kari Mitchell - Part 1
Part 1 of 2 - Detoxing is about more than cleansing your internal organs for a few weeks out of each year; it’s about eating clean AND living clean every day! Are you looking for a total transformation?...
You Are the Placebo - Making Your Mind Matter with Best-Selling Author Dr. Joe Dispenza
You Are the Placebo combines the latest research in neuroscience, biology, psychology, hypnosis, behavioral conditioning, and quantum physics to demystify the workings of the placebo effect . . . and show how the s...
What is Kundalini Energy and What Happens Once It’s Activated with Co-host Dr. Dan Cohen
Dr. Cohen, a neurologist, will discuss his thoughts about Kundalini energy and the resulting spiritual awakening. The topics discussed will include how these changes shift a person’s self-identity, awareness and feeli...