Archived Episodes
The Forever Angels: Near-Death Experiences in Childhood and Their Lifelong Impact with a...
Findings from two extensive research projects focused entirely on children. The first was done in the 80s and 90s, and concerned child experiencers between birth and 15 years – yet most of my cases were below...
It’s Ok To Talk About What You Know Outside of Your 5 Senses with Carlenia Springer
Do you see, feel and know things others around you do not understand? Do you find yourself hiding your gifts and abilities because you fear what others think of you? Tune in as we discuss how brilliant, caring empa...
Read In Search of Lost Lives to Incite Your Own Spiritual Revolution with Author Michael ...
Spiritual Revolution is a distillation of the entire teachings of the greatest spiritual Teachers from all traditions into 52 easily understood principles, complete with the author’s wise commentary and expla...
In Search Of Lost Lives: Desire, Sanskaras, and the Evolution of a Mind & Soul with Autho...
In Search of Lost Lives shows how desires and actions order transmigration to subsequent human and animal lives. Twelve lives show how hurtful actions resulted in a subsequent life as an animal or a sojour...
My Journey Through Time with Dena Merriam
Dena recounts memories of 7 previous births in different parts of the world, in different cultures and religions. We begin to see themes emerge from the past that still shape her life today. These narratives are no...
Reincarnation, Past Lives, Karma, and Comments from Dad now passed away still talking to ...
Some say Reincarnation is a theory with no proof…But Tom has lived the Proof. It seems that we all have had many past lives on Earth. Listen to Tom’s past...
Living in a Mindful Universe: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Heart of Consciousness wi...
Living in a Mindful Universe bridges science and spirituality using a fresh and unprecedented approach empowered by recent scientific findings on consciousness, leading to a surprisingly powerful interpretation of ...
How Regression Healing™ Can Enhance Your NOW, with Past-Life Regressionist & Author Wendy...
Learn how a Regression Healing™ quantum session can resolve anxiety and panic attacks, depression, PTSD, and chronic physical and emotional pain. Sessions are designed to help heal and release pas...
Encore: Karma Can Be A Real Pain - Past Life Clues to Current Life Maladies with Author J...
Are physical and mental illnesses the result of karma acquired in a past life, and if so, does uncovering that lifetime lead to healing? According to the yearlong research project conducted by author and past-life ...
Karma Can Be A Real Pain - Past Life Clues to Current Life Maladies with Author Joanne Di...
Are physical and mental illnesses the result of karma acquired in a past life, and if so, does uncovering that lifetime lead to healing? According to the yearlong research project conducted by author and past-life ...