Archived Episodes
The Lone Ranger and Tonto Meet Buddha with Special Guest Peter Coyote
The Lone Ranger and Tonto Meet Buddha: Masks, Meditation, and Improvised Play to Induce Liberated States reveals how to use masks, meditation, and improvisation to free yourself from overthinking, self-doubt, ...
Self Realization/Actualization, Authentic Sovereign Expression Part 2 With Kornelia Steph...
TOTALLY TRANSPORTED. To another planet right here on earth, a higher state of mind. YOU/We are rewriting our history and beginning a brand new paradigm. A brand new consciousness, with no attachment to past program...
How to find the strength TO BREAK FREE. Living in your authority.
ME TOO. the script: a return to love and peace A return to freedom A return to unconditional love; A return to self-acceptance LIVING HEAVEN ON EARTH. ME TOO. the challenge: to overcome self-hatred, vic...
You're not old at 90 it's just the belief you have that you're old. Loving living life at...
A ninety-year-old going on 70 after 61 years of marriage suddenly faced loss and deep loneliness, with a belief that I ‘m too old and now what. Yet the universe orchestrated a beautiful scene in the movie of ...
Empowerment comes after retiring the victim and releasing the toxic karmic relationships ...
Join me and my special guest Sacha Fossa as we have an open conversation sharing with you what you need to know about transcending the victim consciousness and reclaiming the gifts of your divinity. Claiming ...
Unleash your inner Healer. I Am Worthy, Empowered, Safe, Victorious, Prosperous, it wasn'...
Kornelia Stephanie Coached Charleen Hess on healing a diseased organ that the Dr. recommended she have removed. With the transformational coaching, Charleen healed herself and still has all of her organs in h...
The Transformative Power of Enough with Author Laurie McCammon
Could one little word hold the power to change not only your life, but the whole world? According to author, Laurie McCammon, one idea has been the root cause of all unnecessary suffering on the planet for 5,000 year...