Archived Episodes
Clear Your Issues in the Tissues with Lynn Waldrop
Clear Your Issues in the Tissues is a Series to educate people on the true causes of dis-ease so that we can make better choices for our lives and BE healthy! Watch
Decoding Your Emotional Blueprint with Judy Wilkins-Smith
Unchain Your Potential and Level Up Your “Lot in Life" In a series of easy-to-understand steps, Decoding Your Emotional Blueprint shows the reader how to uncover these Emotional DNA patterns,...
Full Body System Wellness- FEAR and the interconnectedness of the state of the world stage
In this episode, we will look FEAR in the face and ask ourselves some powerful questions about how it is affecting the planet in 2022. David and Pam have been through many trials by FIRE meta...
Life Remixed: Looking Beyond The Dance To Face The Music with Mark Wilkinson
If you are suffering with addiction, health, relationship, or financial challenges, or you just feel stuck in a rut and are ready to re-evaluate your life and make a change, Life Remixed will show you how to get th...
The Noble Edge-Gilbert! Weight Gain- Stanford! Savings Tips for College-Rueschhoff!
Dr. Christopher Gilbert discusses his new book The Noble Edge: Reclaiming an Ethical World One Choice at a Time. This book is inspiring, filled with humor and tackles questions s...
Monday, July 5, 2021
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Christopher Gilbert Ph.D., Steve Rueschhoff , Fatima Cody Stanford MD
How to survive the heartbreak of your drug addicted child with Nancy Landrum
What does loving your child mean when that child is making self-destructive life choices? How do you love your child when he or she is not lovable? How do you love yourself? Watch live on Facebook.
Get Unstuck in 2020 with Guest Host Tracy L Clark!
Many people are stuck because they are living in the past. Is that you? Have you ever caught yourself saying i wish i had many different choices. The reality is you are here now and the choices you have made are pe...
Get People to Do What You Want with Maryann Karinch and Greg Hartley!
A former Army interrogator shares his secrets for getting exactly what you want out of anyone, anytime. In business, school, romance, or your neighborhood, it is valuable to know what attracts people, what ...
Intuitive Intelligence: Make Life-Changing Decisions with Perfect Timing with Paul O'Brien!
What happens when a vision of creative freedom, courageous risk-taking and good timing come together? What if you focused on what fascinates you, then mastered some skills, including a level of intuitive decision-m...
This Messy Magnificent Life: A Field Guide to Mind, Body and Soul with author Geneen Roth!
Through a radical tour of the body and the self, Roth provides us a new way to view our lives as we kick off a new year. It is an exhilarating, touching, sometimes counterintuitive read on how we unknowingly intern...
Remember that We are all Angels, we just need to recognize that!
Seeing the world through the eyes of an angel with Tom Lumbrazo. What is our life about?
The Questionable Parent ~ Dr. Glenna Rice MPT: If Money Wasn't the Issue What Would You C...
How can asking this question change everything you are asking for?