The Angels want to assist you with making and keeping your New Years resolutions. Cornell is the Angel of Decision Making to help you choose your goals for 2020. Add Angel Caroline for positive thinking...
The Angels want you to be able to manifest what you desire. Their support is essential in achieving your goals and bringing joy to your life. With the Angels help, you can generate the personal power that helps wit...
The angels are always around us offering guidance and support. Your life expands and become more joyful when you include your angels daily. Talk to them, invite them along to work and special events. An...
The angels are all around us to offer their guidance and support. Helping you achieve your life's purpose and move forward is their mission. Learn the angels that provide the support for you. Which angel to call up...
Dr. Jenn is back for an hour of intuitive readings of your energy field and to deliver guidance from the angels for every one. We’ve had quite the first 6 months in 2016 and now it’s time to...
Dr. Jenn is back filling in for Dr Pat to deliver angel guidance on how we can make the most of our New Year 2016 resolutions. We all have something we’d like to improve or manifest. So why not make the most of the up...