Archived Episodes
It's beginning alot like Christmas...
This week on the show, Pam will be talking about the holiday season and our emotional well-being. How do we take care ourselves during times of high stress and unpredictability?
Title Episode 22: MONEY CAN KILL...
In today's episode, we are discussing the connection between money and mental and physical health.
Encore: Navigate the Maze of...
In a world inundated with self-help gurus and quick-fix solutions, the quest for transformation often feels like chasing shadows in the dark. But why, despite all the knowledge and resource...
Title Episode 18: MASKS OFF FOR...
In today's episode, we will be talking with Kim Gross. Kim is a podcast host, author, coach, mom, recovering people-pleaser perfectionist, and recovering codependent.
Episode 13. Title: What Is All this...
Today, we’re diving deep into mindfulness -- what it means, how it cultivates self-awareness, strengthens the witnessing mind, and why is important in our everyday lives. We explore its transformative po...
Take PRIDE in who you are with...
This week on the show, Pam will be taking a look at the month of June as a celebration of the PRIDE community and how each of us can take pride in who we are as individuals and as a collective of humans doing this ...
Culture Chaos: The Myth of...
Feeling like you're always behind, never quite where you should be, or constantly comparing your worst to someone else's best? Welcome to the chaotic world culture has created for us! ...
Anxiety: From Enemy to Ally -...
Have you found yourself saying, "All I want is to be happy," while anxiety floods your system? Curious about how to ease the physical side effects of anxiety? Join me for an exhilarating j...
Self-Love is a Super Power:...
In this next episode I am going to reveal to you the secret pathways to Self-Love. Our cultural programming has told us that focusing on ourselves is selfish. But Self-Love is actually a Super P...
Embrace Your Intuitive...
Do you ever feel like you're effortlessly intuitive for others but hit-or-miss for yourself? Are you intrigued by the power of intuition but yet find it cryptic and confusing?
The Great Paradox: To Be...
In this episode, we discuss the great paradox-The very thing that we so desperately want is the thing that we are so terrified of. We unpack how we all so desperately want and crave to be seen, valued, to fee...
The Art of Setting Standards for...
Are you tired of feeling like a doormat in your relationships? Struggling to hold boundaries and feeling guilty for asserting yourself? Have you wondered if it's because you're too sensitive?
Navigate the Maze of Modern...
In a world inundated with self-help gurus and quick-fix solutions, the quest for transformation often feels like chasing shadows in the dark. But why, despite all the knowledge and resource...
You Got it All Wrong—The...
This episode is Part II of the series, Lived Experience. In this episode, we continue to discuss why learning to take in experiences and to metabolize them are important to one's self-empowerment. We wi...
You Got it All Wrong—The...
In this episode of the Empowered Living Zone™, we discuss how we all are so focused out there in getting what we want that we lose sight of the importance of being right here, right now in creating what ...
What is Essence and Why Is It...
This episode will focus on the Essence piece of the self-empowerment equation. We will discuss what Essence is, how you know when you are accessing this form of awareness and how it can help you navigate your...
What is the Empowered...
In today's episode, we will review what self-empowerment is. We will dive deeper into what it means, what it looks like and what it feels like to be in the Empowered Living Zone. Today episode will incl...
What is Self-Empowerment...
In today's episode, I will discuss how what many believe is self-empowerment is actually wrong. I will discuss what self-empowerment actually is and how I came to this understanding of what it is. I wil...
Hey, someone stole my...
Author Vivian Probst and Dr Diane will take a deep dive into her new book “Breaking the Bias of English: How English Disempowers Those of Us Who Aren’t Men and How to Fix It In Six Words&rdq...
How To Accelerate Your Career
Discover the story of a woman who found herself at a critical crossroad in life. As a single parent, she faced the daunting choice between accepting a demanding leadership position that would require time away from...
The Art of Decison-Making
Leading with an Unlimited Mindset
As a leader, it's important to approach challenges with an unlimited mindset. This means focusing on creating the best possible experience for yourself and those you lead, and not getting stuck in fear or negative ...
What You Need to Know About...
Leadership is a demanding and often overwhelming role. Whether you are running a startup or a leading a team in a large organisation, the responsibilities can take their toll on you. That’s why understanding ...
Hormones and Harmony: How...
In this episode, we explore how hormones affect every aspect of our health and well-being, from mood and energy to weight and sleep. We also share some practical tips on how to balance your hormones naturally and a...