Archived Episodes
Channeling Queen Elizabeth II: From Darkness to Light
In this fascinating episode, I interview Shawna L. Frances, a channeler who claims to connect with the spirit of Queen Elizabeth II. According to Shawna, the Queen reveals she was once a negative reptilian on Earth...
Lunar Eclipse - or astrology for Starseeds!
Starseeds have always gravitated to Astrology but often the information available is superficial and not helpful! We will talk about the Lunar Eclipse in November an...
Starseeds Aren’t Ready - what to do?
The understanding and approaches are changing for Starseeds, you absolutely need to understand what happened when we changed from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius! ...
Etheric Planes and Shamballa Golden Codes
In the next episode of "Ascending with the Arcturians," we explore the etheric planes, Shamballa (etheric retreat), Master Sanat Kumara, and more! We will do a powerful Threefold Flame breathing technique to revita...
Ancient Prophecy - Celestine Insights
In the next episode of "Ascending with the Arcturians," we explore a realm of wisdom and spiritually based prophecies. The 12 Celestine Insights are a compilation of spiritual teachings based on the books by James ...
Are you a Starseed? - its time for this information!
If you think you are a Starseed, you need more information. Over the 20 years we’ve been doing this Intuitive work almost all our clients have been star seeds!...
Cultivating Inner Cosmic Peace!
Cultivating your inner Cosmic Peace is an essential key to navigate through planetary changes and dimensional shift with more ease. We will do a potent breathing technique with a powerful "I AM" invocation. We will...
Power of The Mind - Create Harmony!
Your mind has the power to shape the reality you are living in as well as your perception of it. Claiming your personal power means to be more conscious on how you utilize your thought-forms as energy that attract ...
Virtues of Ascension & Your Chakras Pt. 2
In the next episode of Ascending With The Arcturians, we learn about the next 6 Virtues of Ascension and how they connect to the chakra system. These virtues are archetypes of sacred knowledge for ascension. All 12...