Archived Episodes
Family Estrangement: The Epidemic That is Affecting Millions
In this episode, I dive into the “silent epidemic” of family estrangement. Adult children cutting off contact with their parents has become a real problem, affecting millions of people in the U.S. If yo...
Creating Balance in Unstable Times
In this episode, I offer insight into how I create balance in my own life when the world around me feels overwhelming. I also invite you to follow along with one of my favorite techniques for quickly reducing anxie...
When the Holidays Don't Feel so Happy, What Can You Do?
In this episode, I cover the taboo topic of holiday heartache. What happens when we aren't exactly feeling the holiday cheer? We have options. We can choose to perpetuate the feelings that have become so overwhelmi...
Taking Accountability for the Impact We Have on the World Around Us with Special Guest Je...
In this episode, my guest, Jevon Deese and I dicuss the importance of acts of service and their impact. "Jevon embodies the spirit of compassion and action, making him a true beacon of hope and inspiration.", is wh...
Having the Courage to Speak on Your Past Trauma with Special Guest Michaela Mae
In this episode, I discuss how speaking on our past trauma helps us to heal with special guest Michaela Mae. She is a new author. Her courage to write about the sexual abuse she suffered in her childhood is to be a...
Taming the Wild Mustang: Harnessing the Power of an ADHD Brain
Hello! Thank you for tuning in! In this episode, I open up about my experience with growing up as a child with ADHD, how being treated differently affected me and how I feel today about being neurodivergent. Are yo...
Trish Smith; From Reckless Teen to Benevolent Guide
In this episode, I take it back to times when I’ve felt angry, lost, afraid, unloved, etc. I give you a peek into who Trish Smith is as a soul, why love is so important to me, who ha...
A Mother’s Story of Navigating Autism and Epilepsy
In this episode my special guest and friend, Amanda Albano, speaks openly about her daily life with her lovely sons and their neurodivergent abilities. She gives us an inside look of livin...
Connecting Communities Through Work, Family and Friendship
In this episode, special guest Dr. Pat Baccili and I share some exciting news about my upcoming offerings. She and I discuss how much it means to us to be a part of such a supportive commu...
Awakening Your Sacred Path to Living in Alignment
Every moment is a new opportunity to choose the frequency you want to live in. Energy works at light speed. You can choose love despite your circumstances. Love, light, and self-discipline...
Practicing Radical Universal Love
Do you have the courage to love radically? What does it look like to choose love above all else over and over? This hour is filled with just the encouragement that you need to get back on ...
Revolutionary Love; The Foundation of Self-Acceptance
In this episode, I will dive deep into self-love and self-acceptance. As I share insights on how I work with myself on these sometimes seemingly daunting tasks, I will also remind you of h...
Discernment, Your Key to Authenticity
In this episode, I will be encouraging you to remember that you are a sovereign being perfectly capable of discernment. If your intention is to deepen your capacity for love, acceptance an...
Moving Through Fear and Letting LOVE Win!
In this episode, I will be speaking to the desires of the heart and how we often allow fear to get in the way of what truly means the most to us. By letting love win, we will witness more ...
The Value of True Friendship with Guest, Lorraine Antonopoulos
In this episode, one of my most dear friends, Lorraine Antonopoulos and I talk about the importance of friendship and what it means to support our loved ones through hard times. We also sh...
Living with c-PTSD with Special Guest, Caroline Sokol, Combat Veteran
In this episode my special guest, Caroline Sokol, and I speak openly about living with c-PTSD. She is an Army Combat Veteran who survived being blown up by bombs over in Iraq. Her story is...