Archived Episodes
What Your Future Self Knows
In this episode, you’ll find out how your relationship with your Future Self can be a powerful source of guidance and motivation for your Present Self. We’ll look at how ...
Presence Stealer
In this episode, I share the concept that it’s not better over there than it is right here. What does that mean? When we’re focused on achieving our goals and we think th...
Flow out of Fight or Flight Mode
In this Be Happy Now show episode, Claudia-Sam offers a pop-up workshop once again to help you go with the flow and stop resisting the Life that happens all around you.
Embracing Your WHOLE Self...
Do you believe in other lives? Past lives? Is it possible that you lived before? If so, are parts of that other personality presently living within you? We all get blocks, how many are we unaware of? Could the pres...
Chasing the Future
There is so much striving in our goal-oriented, achievement-driven culture that it can be difficult to mentally and physically stop and be in the present. Many of us are chasing a future where we are waiting for ce...
Improvisation & The Flow State
Improvisation is more than just a dance. It is learning to listen and communicate with the body to determine what we need next. Learning to let go of control and fully be in the present moment.
The Pleiadian Wisdom Podcast...
The Pleiadian Wisdom Podcast with Kornelia Stephanie and Dr. Pia Orleane and Cullen Smith Witness your life. Who Am I becoming? True Abundance. New Evolutionary Guidebook. Here's the link to ...
A Pleiadian View, Recreating Who...
Podcast Show: A Pleiadian View, Recreating Who We Are. We Are Standing in Our Power with Dr. Pia Orleane and Cullen Smith. We are using the Power of Choice. Being present with what is without...
Harnessing Your Intuitive...
How often do you stop and notice what’s around you? Are we buzzing through our daily lives too much on autopilot, perhaps ignoring the s...
From Drama to Dharma with...
How can we move out of 3D Drama into 5D Dharma? How can we move out of survival and suffering? How do we thrive physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually within the physical plane? C...
Finding Joy in Unsettling Times...
Joy is not something we earn or work toward. Joy exists within every moment, we simply need to reveal it. During these days of social distancing, it is imperative that we find goodness in the present moment. We&rsq...
That Little Voice with guest Brian...
People will surprise you. You are not your job or what you do. Brian and I met at Toastmasters and it turns out that for a techie he has deep roots. We talk about his connection the That Little Voice in our heads.
Be Present in All the Moments of...
Live True vividly illustrates and breaks down the philosophy of Mindfulness, and what it means to live in the present moment; authentically. "Mindfulness and authenticity are in...
Does Time Heal all Wounds...
A discussion on the meaning and history of healing with Divination – how our need to predict or know the future has shown up in all cultures and why this is – what is our fascination and fear of the fut...
Encore: Soulmate or Soul Lesson?
Is the person you love or the person that you can not get over from the past your soulmate or soul lesson? Tune in as we discuss why our hearts , minds , and auras hold on to certain people . Is the one you love in...
Encore: Soulmate or Soul Lesson?
Is the person you love or the person that you can not get over from the past your soulmate or soul lesson? Tune in as we discuss why our hearts , minds , and auras hold on to certain people . Is the one you love in...
How to mend a broken heart?
So many of us have been through painful unwanted break ups , separations , divorces or disconnections. whether these disconnections are through our intimate love-life life , lack of connection to family members or ...
Karma type
In order to transform and heal our karmic path and patterns we must understand the type of karma we are containing. Not all karma is negative. Even negative karma can be transformed into positive energy. Healing, t...
Soulmate or Soul Lesson?
Is the person you love or the person that you can not get over from the past your soulmate or soul lesson? Tune in as we discuss why our hearts , minds , and auras hold on to certain people . Is the one you love in...