Engineering for prosperity: how to use the laws of the universe with the power of our intention to manifest prosperity in our life. In this episode we reveal what’s the biggest mistake people make when manife...
Scientists and mystics keep telling us that we are not separate. And that in the quantum Universe, down at the “tiny” level, things are not things yet but clouds of possibilities. Wi...
Now, more than ever before, it’s time to come together to heal our bodies, our communities, and our world through the power of collective intention. Join Susan Dolci and Leone Dyer as they dive into the trans...
Scientists and mystics keep telling us that we are not separate. And that in the quantum Universe, down at the “tiny” level, things are not things yet but clouds of possibilities. Wi...
Working together we will create a life and a world of Health, Abundance, Joy, Peace, and Fun. We have all held the vision of living happy, abundant, and loving lives yet sometimes we find ourselves feel...
An addicted drug dealer goes from convict to doctor through the power of intention. Intention is an essential part of being resilient. Dr. George's life is a true story of resilience, hope, perseverance and service. H...