cosmos talk radio

Archived Episodes

Know Your Crazy with Susan Denee: Emotional Recovery in the Raw

Catch Your CrAzY!!!! Do you know enough about your signature crazy to catch it before it'...

This past weekend I found myself irritable. More irritable than usual. I became abrupt and short with my words with my family. I found myself "venting" more than I'm comfortable with. The story I told myself was, "... 

  Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Host: Susan Denee

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The Dr. Pat Show: Talk Radio to Thrive By!

Mind, Body, Spirit – Add Energy, and You Have It All with Dr. Sharon Martin

Healing is often broken down into components – mind, or body, or spirit.  Underlying all of these is Energy. How can we shake up an old pattern (physical or emotional or spiritual) and get something new,... 

  Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Host: Dr. Pat Baccili

Guest: Dr. Sharon Martin CHt

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Wendy R. Wolf