cosmos talk radio

Archived Episodes

Get Big Out Loud with Kari: Living the Complex, Funny, & Beautiful Ride of Life

Say ‘Yes’ to Yourself

Have you ever said yes to doing something and immediately regretted it because you wished you had said no? Do you find that sometimes you are acting from a place of obligation but have lost the meaning of why? Do y... 

  Monday, June 10, 2024

Co-Hosts: Kari Knutson M.A., Dr. Pat Baccili

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Life Design Radio with Susan De Lorenzo: From Adversity to Awesome

Make Self-Care Non-Negotiable!

As a cancer survivor who was blessed to learn after treatment that she was cancer free, Susan De Lorenzo knew she didn’t want to go down that road again, so began to consider what changes needed to be at the ... 

  Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Co-Hosts: Susan De Lorenzo, Dr. Pat Baccili

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The Questionable Parent ~ Dr. Glenna Rice MPT

Promises, Obligation and...

Dr. Glenna's guest, Stephanie Richardson, joins in the conversation with Dr. Pat around making choices regardless of obligations or promises. 

The Kelly Ballard Show - Insight & Inspiration from the Great Beyond