cosmos talk radio

Archived Episodes

GET INTOIT - WINNING at the Game of LIFE with Host Lynn M. Brown

Turn The Way You Think, Feel, and Act about Money...... Inside-Out

Once you realize that the flow of money to meet your needs and desires actually emanates from the inside - out, instead of from the outside - in, like most of us have learned through social norms, then you can begi... 

  Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Co-Hosts: Lynn M. Brown, Dr. Pat Baccili

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GET INTOIT - WINNING at the Game of LIFE with Host Lynn M. Brown

The Birthing of the New Golden Age with Dr. Pat and Lynn M. Brown

Changes are emerging all over the planet which are thrusting us into the New Golden Age. It is no longer an energetic project or concept. It is literally unveiling itself all over the planet, one just needs to know... 

  Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Co-Hosts: Lynn M. Brown, Dr. Pat Baccili

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Wendy R. Wolf