Archived Episodes
If someone becomes a...
"If a person becomes a ghost, does that mean they did something bad or they were not a good person?" Someone wrote in with this really good question! Taking care of one's sou...
Can a Ghost Possess You?
"Mo-om! Mom! Mom! Mom! This bad spirit man popped into my room and said he wanted my body! And he tried to get in right here (pointing to her solar plexus) but popped him out! I popped him out, mom!" She was so...
Ghosts, the Paranormal and...
"Mo-om!!" Ugh. Whenever my little one would say the word "mom" with two syllables I knew the next thing to come out of her mouth would not be a normal thing. It would be a paranormal thing. And, frankly, the parano...
A Little Girl from San Diego and a...
The next thing I know, this little boy from Portland is in my living room and my daughter can see and talk to him.“That’s me! That’s me!” he’s s...
Welcome to the Ghost Helpers...
Welcome everyone to our inaugural Ghost Helpers show! Got Ghosts? We’re your answer! We’re ghost helpers not ghost hunters because before madness set in, we finally figured out ...
#1 We're Moving!
The Karmic Path is moving to a new time! 10am on Thursdays We've heard your requests for far more indepth journeys into the paranormal world. We read your emails, your FB chats, and your Yo...
The Mystifying Power of...
At what age can premonitions begin? How is it possible to see a future event? What is the science behind this? Do only psychic people get premonitions Why can yo...
The Mystifying Power of...
Ever had a premonition? Who gets them? Why do you get them? What can you do to change a potential future? Can you change the future? Should you change it?
Encore: Taking the Airy, Fairy and...
Laura and Tina are co hosts of The Karmic Path, where they unite science, psychology and spirituality between the seen and unseen worlds. Join them as they share how a ghost child, a living child and a dinner party...
Taking the Airy, Fairy and Scary...
Are you ready to get fired up about Power Up Radio with Dr. Pat? Tina, Laura and Dr. Pat unite science, psychology and spirituality between the seen and unseen worlds. J...
The Delightful Karma of Having...
What constitutes fun? Do you have fun? When you think of fun, who do you think of? Do you keep a critical level of humor in your life? Love, living and laughter are es...
Manipulation and Karma
What is manipulation? Who does it? Is all manipulation bad? What is the karmic ripple effect of manipulation? What is a Power dramas? Are there balancing str...
You Cannot Kill a Soul
When someone dies, we refer to the fact that their soul lives on. All living humans have a soul... even if one may seem 'soul less'. We all have the opportunity to live many mortal lifeti...
Don't Tease the Volcano
Does Karma always gives us the chance to ‘do it over’? But what does that look like? Are there different types of karma? What kinds of karmic Family Patterns are the...
Taking the Airy, Fairy and Scary...
Laura and Tina are co hosts of The Karmic Path, where they unite science, psychology and spirituality between the seen and unseen worlds. Join them as they share how a ghost child, a living child and a dinner party...
Are you spiritual if???
Are you spiritual if you are an athiest? Are you spiritual if you don't go to church? Can you still be spiritual if you left your church? Are you following a spiritual path if y...
How do I know if my house is...
Are there such things as ghosts? What is a ghost? Who were these souls? How can you know for sure if your house is haunted? What can you use to clear a haunted house?
What You Fear the Most
What is the karma of fear? Is it possible to own your fear? What does that even mean? Can fear help you to change your karmic path? Let's take the fear out of li...
What is the Karma of Having...
Why is there karma associated with psychic ability? Why should you care about this? How can you identify what a psychic person is and isn't? What part does ego play in the effec...
The Echo Effect of Traumatic...
What is PTSD? Is there a scientific reason for this feeling inside a person? Who can be feel PTSD? How are Pyroluria and PTSD related? Can essential oils help to heal ...
The Karma of the Controlling...
This show is fo...
Your Karmic Force Field: Building...
Do we have a Karmic Force Field? What is an auric field? Why do you care about your auric field What strengthens and weakens ones fo...
Are we all created equal?
Are we all created equal? Are we really born in sin? How do you measure equality? What does it mean to be equal? How does "equa...
Haunted by Past Life Fears?
Can you be haunted by a past life? Can a traumatic past life create fear in you? Do you have an unexplainable, irrational fear? Is YOLO true or horribly misguided? Is ...