Archived Episodes
Optimize Performance-Dr. Laura Kunces! USPS Vehicle Awareness-Scott Miller! Importance of...
Dr. Kunces shares insights on maximizing physical potential for athletes with products that support workouts, nutrition tips to support performance goals, and where to go for more information. Many...
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Dr. Laura Kunces , Scott Miller USPS, Dr. Amy Jackson
PETA's strategy to end failed experiments on animals plus Does your car have a recall?
Learn how 'Research Modernization Now' aims to revitalize research and improve human health. Dr. Emily Trunnell U.S. Department of Transportation’s Nationa...
Fetal Surgery Can Save & Better Lives-Dr Scott Adzick! Tips to Veganize Your Wardrobe-Sar...
Dr. Scott Adzick discusses advancements in treating birth defects & how fetal surgery can help save & better the lives of many children worldwide. 1 in Every 33 Babies is born with a Birth ...
College Admissions and Scholarships Kevin Kenny & Afiya Thornton! Reset Button for The N...
Kevin Kenny: Level All cofounder and co-CEO and Afiya Johnson-Thornton: Level All Director, College discuss the importance of educational planning from a young age, as well as pers...
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Kevin Kenny , Afiya Johnson Thornton , Valerie Greenberg
BAD LOVE TIGERS with Kevin Schewe
Bad Love Tigers is an action-adventure, sci-fi screenplay based on the original story & novel by Kevin Schewe! Kevin Schewe’s Bad Love Tigers has taken the world by storm as it ...
Understanding Compounding Pharmacies-Shaun Noorian! Why Are Children Still Cutting Up Fro...
Shaun Noorian discusses the benefits and applications of compounded medicines, why patients might require customized prescriptions, and common misconceptions about compounding pharmacies.Empower Ph...
Unveiling the Untold Story of the Fentanyl Crisis: “LETHAL DOSES” by John Madinger
In LETHAL DOSES: The Story Behind ‘The Godfather of Fentanyl,’ award-winning author and former undercover agent for the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics John Madinger, tells the remarkable story of DEA&rsqu...
Living With Wildfires-Karen Collins & Dr. Cope! Everything About Happy Longevity-Dr. Chan...
Dr. Anne Cope & Karen Collins provide critical research based guidance on what to do in the five feet around your home to help prevent it from catching fire during a wildfire and fire windstorms. They also prov...
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Shawn Nelson , Karen Collins , Dr. Anne Cope Ph.D., Dr. P Albert Chan
IMMORTALITY Epocalypse by David Martorano M.D.! The Future of Sports as IBM Sees It: Kris...
David Matorano discusses his novel IMMORTALITY Epocalypse. A gripping page-turner., mankind faces existential obsolescence with the advent of synthetic eternal life. This sci-fi debut...
Me, Myself, and My Amygdala-Dr. Brian Ackerman! Workforce AI Adoption Challenges-Salima Lin!
Dr. Brian Ackerman discusses his book Me, Myself, and My Amygdala: A Mindfulness Guide to Sobriety & Well-Being. Overcome Addiction by understanding the brain. Salima L...
Cutting Power Usage at The Plug Level-Sid Chatterjee! Kelley Blue Book Shares Best Family...
Sid Chatterjee, General Manager - Breakthrough Initiatives, Building Management Systems for Honeywell’s Building Automation business discusses Connected Power and how it can help bui...
Juno's Song-Michael Kelley! 2024 Best Family Cars-Brian Moody!
Michael Kelley discusses his final installement of the Triology, Juno's Song, which accepts the future of AI in 2036. With wit and bold imagination, Juno’s Song envisi...
Prescription Free-Matoska! Mosquito Bites-Swisher! Hurricane Prep-Giammanco, Richmond-Cru...
Tony Matoska reveals his PT-approved tips for effectively managing and treating pain: Daily Exercise, Lifestyle Factors, and Physical Therapy. One in Five adults live with chronic pain.
Wednesday, June 19, 2024
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Tony Matoska PT DPT CMPT, Joanna Swisher , Dr. Ian Giammanco , Michael Richmond Crum , Dawn Blatner RDN CSSD
Small Businesses Big Impact-Erron Stark! Enhancing Consumer Experiences with AI-Dr. Natar...
Erron Stark discusses celebrating entrepreneurial spirit and what’s top of mind for small business owners and how their contributions are critical to the economy. National Small Business ...
Spring Forward For Safety-Sophie Shulman! Uncontrollable Crying or Laughing-Dr. Hasbani! ...
Sophie Shulman discusses U.S. Department of Transportaion's National Highway Traffic Safety Administration urging consumers to utilize Free resources to check for recalls with the VIN look...
Wednesday, March 27, 2024
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Sophie Shulman , Dr. Mayer Joshua Hasbani , Justina Nixon-Saintil
Spring Forward For Safety-Sophie Shulman! Lack of Diversity in Brain Science Trials- Heve...
Sophie Shulman encoures consumers to check their vehicles for safety recalls twice a year with the National Highway Taffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) new license plate look-up fea...
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Sophie Shulman , Tish Hevel , Patroski Lawson
Feed Two Birds With One Scone!-Lisbet Chiriboga! Jumpstart Your Business With AI-Laka Sri...
Lisbet Chiriboga discusses how Words Matter, a new language guide, can help educators foster empathy for others through simple and fun lessons about the language we use every day.&nbs...
Dream Me Home-Laurie Elizabeth Murphy! Houdini's Last Handcuffs-Charlie and Cheryl Young!
Registered Nurse and Psychotherapist Laurie Elizabeth Murphy draws from her own experience working in the field to create a uniquely intellectual and entertaining mystery in her new book, Dream Me Home.
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Laurie Elizabeth Murphy , Charlie Young , Cheryl Young
One Million Truths with Mark Eckhardt! How Can Lasers be used to Treat Hair Loss with Tam...
Mark Eckhardt discusses his project One Million Truths and invites individuals from diverse backgrounds across America to share their personal stories by visiting
Newborn Monkeys Stolen from Their Mothers and Blinded-Dr. Katherine Roe! Gun Shot Witness...
Dr. Katherine Roe, PhD., talks about Harvard experiments and what PETA is doing to stop them! Harvard Medical School under fire as students, faculty, and scientists-includ...
Feeling Down is Actually Serious Depression-Dr. Craig Chepke! Effective Cold Remedies-Dr....
Dr. Craig Chepke, MD, FAPA discusses the signs and symptoms of challnging-to-treat depression and and outlines a treatment option for treatment-resistant depression, including SPRAVAT...
Medicare Can Complement VA Benefits-Darin Davis and Mary Forey! Proper Use of Retinol-Dr....
Darin Davis and Mary Forey help guide you and veterans through the plans, benefits and process of The Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug Plan. Both Humana ...
Monday, November 13, 2023
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Darin Davis , Mary Forey , Dr. Dendy Engelman
The Dangers of Keeping Unwanted Prescription Drugs at Home-Ashley Schmidt and Sacha Polla...
Ashley Schmidt and Sacha Pollard Deloney talk about National Prescription Drug Take Back Day, their drug disposal program and how people can get involved locally. Last year over 10...
Wednesday, October 25, 2023
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Ashley Schmidt , Sacha Pollard Deloney Pharm.D.
How To Live With Wildfires-Karen Collins!
Karen Collins, the property insurance and environmental expert at American Property Casualty Insurance Association (APCIA) has tips on preparing for wildfires and provide important financial preparedness and mitiga...