Archived Episodes
The Willingness for All to Accept Devine Feminine and Divine Masculine Energies - Part 2
On a previous show, we talked briefly about balancing the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies, but more examples and additional thoughts exist. During this time of The Great Shift of Consciousness, the Ch...
Embracing The Selfish Bitch
Andrea Bordeaux is an intuitive guide, energy healer, actress, and writer. In Human Design, she is a 2/4 Emotional Projector.Andrea is devoted to honoring herself as an aspect of the Divine Feminine, a Goddes...
From plant killer to herbalist: my journey in becoming a greenhouse goddess
Overwatered, too little sun, and a poor fit for the environment I put it in. In 2019, this described dozens of failed attempts to keep a plant alive and myself. It seemed impossible to manage the needs of any ...
The Beauty Witch's Secrets: Recipes & Rituals for the Modern Goddess with Alise Marie
Become your most spellbinding self, inside and out, through every stage of your life. Alise Marie guides you into her inner sanctum, where you'll enjoy empowerment and practical magick that elevates your beauty rou...
Tarot Priestess: Using the Cards to Heal, Grow & Serve with Leeza Robertson
Become a modern-day priestess with this book on using tarot cards as both devotional and divinatory tools. Tarot Priestess presents a spiritual framework—organized around the court cards, major arcana, and mi...
You Are Divine: A Search for the Goddess in All of Us with Dawn Reno Langley
This book reveals that the divine feminine dwells, at one level or another, in all of us. Filled with empowering first- hand experiences of the divine feminine from spiritual teachers and students from around the w...
The Training Wheels are coming off!!
Please join us for this special episode as we CELEBRATE our first six months of air time. I'm bringing on our very first special guest, Karen Crane to share with us about the wisdom of the Divine Feminine and...
The Wild Goddess Oracle: Divination and Ritual for Living an Empowered Life with Guests A...
The Wild Goddess Oracle: Divination and Ritual for Living an Empowered Life features 52 vivaciously illustrated cards and a 144-page guidebook that explore the mysteries of the universe outside and within through t...
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Watch live on Facebook. Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories that inspire hope. The stories you tell to your children and grandchildren...
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Watch live on Facebook. Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories that inspire hope. The stories you tell to your children and grandchildren...
The Journey Home To Know Thyself As Love
Dear Beloved Soul, are you ready to awaken yourself to a new reality of Love? Join me for another heart healing conversation with the Goddess as I bring forth messages of love and wisdom for your journey from Mary ...
Wings of Isis - The Goddess of Magic
Goddess Isis embodies the pure magic of devoted love. Isis is an ancient Egyptian goddess of love, fertility, resurrection and magic. Join us today with my special guest, Carolyn Jones,
Guest Host Laura Hosford: Answering the call of Divine Mother: with Donna Fairhurst
Become the Change of the New Earth Vibration Watch live on Facebook.
Reclaim Your Divine Authority And Sovereignty
In this episode we will discuss how you can reclaim your Divine Authority and Sovereignty to become the Architect of your own life. How the return of the Goddess and feminine energy is here to set you free fr...
The Perspective of the New Earth & The Role of the Goddess
In this episode we will talk with Cindy Edison who channels a collective group called "Josef" about the perspective of the New Earth. What is the perspective of the New Earth and how does the Goddess play into the ...
Using Somatic Breath as a Guide to Awakening Your Divine Feminine Christ Consciousness
In this episode we will discuss what is the connection between the breath and embodiment of our Divine Sovereignty and awakening the wisdom of our Feminine Christ Consciousness – the Goddess! Join us...
Are you Ready to Get Your Goddess Groove On and Be the Change of New Earth Vibration?
Join me for a deep healing conversation around your role in the co-creation of the New Earth vibration. What is your role to play now? How the return of the Divine Feminine energies are here to support your role in...
Kwan Yin & Goddesses of 5th Dimension
Please join me with a new guest speaker, Von Galt the author of, "Buddhist Mandalas: Explore Parallel Realities with Sacred Geometry" and “Buddhist Guide to Manifest Parallel Realities: Using the Four No...
Reclaim Your Divine Inheritance, Freedom And Sovereignty Now!
Join us in a powerful ceremony to claim your Divine Inheritance of sovereignty, freedom, and unity consciousness with Saint Germain and Mary Magdalene and Master Jesus/Sananda. Reclaim your light and your power bac...
#12 Thriving in the time of mass, Collective Fear and Constriction
This is such a weird, wild time in our Collective history -- one that's riddled with fear, anxiety, constriction, uncertainty. And it doesn't have to keep you from thriving, from your best life, from harnes...
You Are A Goddess! It’s Time To Embody Your Angelic Goddess Light and Superpowers!
Hello Goddess! Are you ready to GET YOUR GODDESS GROOVE ON? Shine Your LOVE Light and Ignite your Goddess Prayer into the world? We will talk about who is the Goddess and...
#9 Getting out of your head: Why your Power isn't where you think it is
Today we're talking about why it's NEVER going to be your head — your mind, your intellect, your brain — that helps you live that Big Beautiful Life. It's never going to be your head...
#8 How your constant DOING is keeping you from actually HAVING. Sound counter-intuitive? ...
How your constant DOING is keeping you from actually HAVING. If you're experiencing overwhelm... if you're pushing yourself, pushing through to "get it done"... if you're holding yourself to impossible stan...
#6 Coming Home to YOU — accessing Joy, Freedom and Personal Power
We're in a cage of our own making -- because we have been taught to focus ONLY on what's outside of us. The Sacred Feminine brings you back inside. She brings you Home. To where your Freedom and your ...