cosmos talk radio

Archived Episodes

The Kornelia Stephanie Show

Now is the Time to be Your Own Superhero with Susan Axelrod

You were born for these times; you're born to shine, and now is the time to stand out. Don't wait. Be your own superhero.Be true to what calls you, and risk everything to fulfill it. Kornelia Stephanie Empowerment ... 

  Friday, October 30, 2020

Host: Kornelia Stephanie

Guest: Susan Axelrod

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THRIVE by Jen™ Radio: Body Confidence ~ Mind Fulfillment ~ Soul Synchronicity

What we need to STOP doing and START doing in our daily life to create and live our THRIV...

On today's show, Jen will chat about thoughts, beliefs and behaviors we need to STOP doing and ones we need to START doing to create our THRIVE life.  

  Monday, October 1, 2018

Host: Jennifer Zelop

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Wendy R. Wolf