Archived Episodes
Spiritual Truths!
This episode is about some spiritual truths that mean a lot to me and are for all. What do they mean and how do you apply them in your life. How they benefit you and help bring you more into alignment with your aut...
The Quest For Spiritual Truth...
This episode is about how we abandon and lose our inner truth. The steps that we need to take in order to restore our connection to our spiritual selves and how this leads to our knowing that we are part of somethi...
Living In The Light!
This episode is about the process to live as the Higher Self. It is about what a person has to do to live this way and about Free Will vs. Divine Will Why both are necessary for the evolution of the soul.
Stepping into your Personal Power!
This is our personal power. The power that is ours when we become our authentic self, expressing our own uniqueness. This power is not aggressive or about dominance, it is the light that resides in each of us, enab...
The Holy Spirit continues its...
Encore: The Holy Spirit was determined for me to understand my soul's purpose. I had to understand how we can be disconnected from our soul's purpose and therefore never become our authentic selves. As I connected ...
The Journey To Achieving Inner...
The episode is about the connection between Body, Mind and Spirit. How to listen and understand the messages of your body and your emotions and how your emotions and your thoughts can have a dramatic effect on your...
Forgiveness and Spiritual...
As the majority of us carry pain and anger from our past caused by the wrongdoing of others, this episode is about forgiveness. In reality what does forgiveness look like and how do we free ourselves from the angui...
Sacred Fusion Energy, healing...
How we move towards or away from our God given spirit by the choices we make. It is our choices that either raise or lower our vibration.
God works in mysterious ways
When you allow God to lead the way it is not always the way you think or want. The answers will unfold in God's timing, not yours, and will be revealed in pieces. Be prepared for SURPRISE!
The Holy Spirit continues its...
The Holy Spirit was determined for me to understand my soul's purpose. I had to understand how we can be disconnected from our soul's purpose and therefore never become our authentic selves. As I connected to the p...