Archived Episodes
No Regrets
What if you reached the end of your life and realized there were words left unsaid, love unexpressed, or choices you never made? In this first episode of
Confronting Our Mortality - Part 2: Conversations about Death and Dying
I shared in my last podcast my own experience with death and dying and how this helped me to be more comfortable approaching this topic. One of my profound encounters with death I briefly discussed was as a volunte...
Confronting Our Mortality Part 1: We Are All Going To Die, So Let’s Learn About It
My life's research on the topics of Hu...
Encore: A CareHero’s™ 7 Lessons Learned Through Caregiving with Robert Pardi
A huge, life-altering event can give you a whole new perspective on life. Each year Robert Pardi takes some time to reflect both on the amazing gift his wife was i...
Encore: Words Matter: Our Choices and the CareHero™ Power Word
Do you think about the words that you use and how they affect your CareHero™ experience? Words are powerful. They not only describe our every experience, they also evoke the emotion that surrounds it. Th...
A CareHero’s™ 7 Lessons Learned Through Caregiving with Robert Pardi
A huge, life-altering event can give you a whole new perspective on life. Each year Robert Pardi takes some time to reflect both on the amazing gift his wife was i...
Tender Loving Care at the End of Life- the Soul Midwives’ Way with Felicity Warner
Small acts of compassion and care make a huge difference at the end of life. Felicity Warner, founder of Soul Midwives, talks about the simple but effective things you can offer to the dyi ng when medicine has reac...
Removing Your Armor to Access Your Resilience with Guest Host Trish Laub and Guest Robert...
While providing care for his wife, Robert Pardi learned about resilience. Robert shares that resilience is crucial to managing change in life and our ability to use life, instead of being used by life. While we are...
Words Matter: Our Choices and the CareHero™ Power Word
Do you think about the words that you use and how they affect your CareHero™ experience? Words are powerful. They not only describe our every experience, they also evoke the emotion that surrounds it. Th...
Is That Red Spot On My Hip Something I Should be Worried About? with Therese Laub
Do you know how to prevent wounds from developing and when we should seek help? Board certified wound care nurse Therese Laub explains how aging affects our skin and how skin damage, no matter how minor, ...
A Different Kind of CareHero™ Experience with Alex DelGaudio
Episode Title Description: What you know about those in your care extends beyond their medical history, their daily medications and their diagnosis. You also know their personalities, their moods, their routines an...
Giving Voice to Your Choice with Skye O’Neil, MSS PA-C
Skye O’Neil offers a conversation about the misunderstood and often emotionally charged topics that people are reticent to talk about: palliative care, hospice and death with dignity in the US. She provides c...
A Most Meaningful Life with Trish Laub
Trish Laub’s life experience allowed her to deliver the dignified care through end of life that her parents desired. Trish’s three-book series provides a clear guide for CareHero™ allowing their l...
Transformation - Releasing Grief, Part 2
In Western culture, people grieve in private and in isolation. We are expected to “get over” grief and “move on”. Only grief doesn’t work that way. In the Dagara tradition of Burkina F...
Healing Animals from the Inside Out
Learn easy ways you can use healing energy to provide comfort and assistance for your animals. How is reiki for animals different than for humans? What do I need to know about different species or special circumsta...