Archived Episodes
Encore: Divine Action Who Will...
Set ME into Divine Action and Motion NOW please Creator. What guides Divine Action? Why not just call it Action? Is there a difference? Let's take an open look at it !
The Angels desire is to bring Joy, peace, and prosperity to your life. Joseph is the Angel of Joy, William is the Angel of Peace, and Katrina is the Angel of Prosperity. As a team they are unbeatable. These three A...
Encore: Divine Action Who Will...
Set ME into Divine Action and Motion NOW please Creator. What guides Divine Action? Why not just call it Action? Is there a difference? Let's take an open look at it !
Nirvana November
A transcendent state in which there is neither suffering, desire, nor sense of self, and the subject is released from the effects of karma and the cycle of death and rebirth. It represents the final goal of Bu...
Divine Action Who Will take IT?
Set ME into Divine Action and Motion NOW please Creator. What guides Divine Action? Why not just call it Action? Is there a difference? Let's take an open look at it !
Encore: On the Edge of Desire
What is Desire? Is it the same thing as wanting or wishing for something? Is it a yearning? What do we do with Desire when we experience it? Dr. Pat and Master Healer Megan Edge will share with their listeners thei...
“Broken Open: Embracing...
From Heartbreak to Wholeness. Understanding the wounds we take in the battles of love are the most profound tools for healing we will ever receive. It’s about letting the light stream in through the cracks in...
Where does Creativity come...
Ever have a desire deep down to create something that is yours and yours alone? Excuses as to why you don't....not enough time, don't know where to start, don't know how, and too old. Watch l...
Creating Loving Relationships!
Define the word relationship. What stops you from having a good relationship? How can you achieve a healthy, loving and fulfilling relationship?
Your Words are Energy...
Where in your life are your money needs not met? Where do you continue to repeat the same money story over and over? Are you crystal clear about your money conversations? Clarity is mastery especially when it come ...
The #1 Thing You Need to Master...
I will breakdown the #1 thing you need to master to attract in all the abundance you desire with a practical 5 step process.
On the Edge of Change
When you hear the word ‘Change” how do you respond? With excitement or trepidation? All things in this world are in a constant state of change, and yet we, as a species, often push against change &ndash...
On the Edge of Desire
What is Desire? Is it the same thing as wanting or wishing for something? Is it a yearning? What do we do with Desire when we experience it? Dr. Pat and Master Healer Megan Edge will share with their listeners thei...
Trusting Your Desires
In the final episode of "A Life Untethered", Andrew and Jeremy are opening up the subject of trust. Trust in yourself and your abilities to manifest your world. Trust in yourself as capable, and able. Trust that yo...
The Most Powerful Fuel For Your Soul
It’s the reason you want things, do things and need things. MOTIVATION is your soul’s fuel. How do we get it? Where does it come from? What blocks, stops or h...
Transition Week
Karen Betten will be taking over on August 16th as co host for the Truth is Funny show on the 3rd Wed of every month. To honor and nurture the of power of “transitions" in our lives, Colette and Karen w...
Our Amazing Power to Create...
Only when we begin to step into an intention or desire do we discover how potentially powerful we are. Then we become frightened and almost retreat from it. Why? Let’s heal that fear.
Have the Sex Life that You Desire
Dr. Pat Baccili and Dr. Patti Britton discuss what it takes to bust through the crust to enjoy your sex life.