Archived Episodes
Tis The Season To FOCUS
Strategies To Keep Your Head Above Water So You Don't Drown
Achieving the Ultimate Edge in...
Multimillion dollar earner Kasey Frost
Encore: Optimism Has Enemies
Understand what’s lurking in your thoughts will pave your future
Network Marketing Truth with...
Million dollar earner and former MLM Owner
Adding jewels to your crown
Importance of becoming a great talent scout
Finding your missing links to...
Strategies to empower your weakest links
Optimism Has Enemies
Understand what’s lurking in your thoughts will pave your future
Iceberg Optimism Going Forward
Tweaking thought patterns that create momentum.
Leveraging Your Influence!
Understanding human natures that doesn’t make the world go around.
Change is the New Constant
Learn simple strategies to make business easier in a world of hyper-change.
The Power of Coaching with...
It’s NEVER to late to hire a coach!