Archived Episodes
God Is Who He Is
We are still in this powerful new series " Let Get To Know God! " During this episode, Angela will be sharing teachings from the Holy Bible that will lead people into a more intimate relationship with God. An...
Let's Thrive In 2025!
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Confronting Our Mortality - Part 2: Conversations about Death and Dying
I shared in my last podcast my own experience with death and dying and how this helped me to be more comfortable approaching this topic. One of my profound encounters with death I briefly discussed was as a volunte...
How to Live Life As if It’s Rigged In Your Favor * *Rumi with Guest Dr. Connie Stomper
How is life “rigged in our favor” from a higher perspective?How can seeing things as “rigged in our favor enhance a sense of PURPOSE in our lives? How do we “embrace” a higher pe...
Confronting Our Mortality Part 1: We Are All Going To Die, So Let’s Learn About It
My life's research on the topics of Hu...
RIP Mom – Dementia Lessons Learned! part 2
Last week we talked about the death of mom who lived with us for 10 years and had dementia. This is part two and we will discuss lessons learned about life and death, dementia, aging...
RIP Mom – Intuitive perspective of death with dementia!
If you’ve listened to our show before you know we often talked about Mom and that she has dementia and how as Intuitives we’ve worked with that condition and what we see from a...
Recovery & Healing Series: There Is More Power In "We" Than "Me"
On this episode, Angela will be continuing with her Recovery & Healing Series. She will be diving deeper into the Word of God to share spiritual truths and provide practical insignt to individuals who are on th...
Encore: Nightmares: Urgent Soul Messages
Although Nightmares leave us feeling scared, worried or grossed out, they actually are very loving soul messages meant for our highest good. Our Subconscious presents familiar plot themes like being chased, falling...
Nightmares: Urgent Soul Messages
Although Nightmares leave us feeling scared, worried or grossed out, they actually are very loving soul messages meant for our highest good. Our Subconscious presents familiar plot themes like being chased, falling...
New Moon New Beginnings
Watch Here:
Moving Forward, Looking Back-Beth Ann Blackwood! Mia’s Odyssey-Mia Odeh!
Beth Ann Blackwood's Moving Forward, Looking Back: How Long Does It Take To Move Forward From The Loss Of the Love of Your Life is an inspirational back and forth journey through the joys ...
From Loss to Learning to Live Again and Honoring Each Step of the Way
In this episode, I have the privilege of discussing loss, grief, and transformation with Julie Hightman, author of “Why Birds Sing at Dawn” and “The Weighted Feather&rdqu...
Winter Solstice: Balancing Light and Dark!
Do you know what Winter Solstice is all about and what happens?
Sacred Sendoffs with Sarah Bowen
Combining humorous anecdotes and thought-provoking research, Sacred Sendoffs: An Animal Chaplain’s Advice for Surviving Animal Loss, Making Life Meaningful, and Healing the Planet explores human...
Love in the Time of Impermanence with Matthew McKay
Collaborating with his late son, Jordan, McKay offers five ways to keep love alive in a world of impermanence. He explores how to see and know what we love, how to actively care for what we love, how to have compas...
Releasing Spirits
This episode will focus on the spirits/ghosts that are waiting for us to help them.
At Heaven's Door with Guest William Peters
At Heaven's Door: What Shared Journeys to the Afterlife Teach About Dying Well and Living Better is an essential guide to a better life and a better death Watch live on Facebook.
On the Edge of Dying with Dignity
Dying is a part of living. Every culture has their beliefs about the nature of dying and what happens after we die. But what about the process of dying? Should we have a choice in the manner in which we die, if we ...
Portrait of a Past Life Skeptic with special guest Robert L. Snow
An offhand dare to undergo a past-life regression sets police captain Robert Snow on a two-year investigation that shakes the foundation of his world, radically changing his views on life, death, and the scope of r...
Encore: Loss, Survive, Thrive: How to Live A Meaningful Life After a Significant Loss wit...
If your child dies, can you ever recover? In this interview with Christine, author Meryl Hershey Beck—whose son committed suicide— ...
Nirvana November
A transcendent state in which there is neither suffering, desire, nor sense of self, and the subject is released from the effects of karma and the cycle of death and rebirth. It represents the final goal of Bu...
On the Edge of Death and Dying Pt 2
Megan shares experience on the process of death and dying, advocating for those who cannot, explains taking the fear out of death and when the healing begins. Watch live on Facebook.