Archived Episodes
Heart Activation Sound and...
Immerse yourself in the transformative frequencies of 'Heart Activation Sound and Energy Healing,' a special episode brought to you by 'Peaceful Wellness with Deb.' This unique session is designed to open, balance,...
Blissful Bodies and Healing Helpers...
We meet Bettina Gomez-Lara, Reiki Master, Medical Massage studio owner and Energy Worker, who has brought alternative healing methods to Brownsville, TX and also makes her own range of metaphysical products that su...
Kundalini Energy: Activate Your...
This book reveals powerful, energy-transforming secrets that you can unlock using yoga, breathwork, meditations, chanting, astrology, and more. Kundalini expert Shannon Yrizarry shows you how to boost your intuitio...
Awakening Your Wild Self with...
We all want more energy, vitality, and to thrive fully in this world. When we get in touch with the wild person inside of us, we can live life in this expandend, and authentic sense of ourselves. Join m...
Centering the Mind and Soul &...
Join me and Special Guest, Dr. Christopher Macklin as he addresses how to reduce and stress and calm the body, mind and soul during these challenging times and offers tips on how to live with renewed hope and peace...
Shifting Your Frequency...
How do we release fear and accept love and what do we need to do every day so we can live in the higher planes of love? Join Guest Host Susan Dolci as she chats with medium, intuitive healer, energy coach, an...
It’s Time to Fly – Embrace the Gift...
2020 has been a series of life altering events ending the Age of Pisces. We have 3 months left before we fully enter the Aquarian Age – are you ready? If you’re still scratching your head ab...
Encore: Chakra Cards for Belief...
A card deck and therapy tool in one, this boxed set offers 56 full-color cards to assist you in transforming your unhelpful beliefs and raising your vibration to begin creating the reality you desire. The cards fea...
Inviting Angels into Your Life:...
In this book, Kathryn shows how to easily and safely open the channel to communicate with the angelic realm in order to access the help the angels are so willing to provide. She offers simple and practical exercise...
Inviting Angels into Your Life:...
In this book, Kathryn shows how to easily and safely open the channel to communicate with the angelic realm in order to access the help the angels are so willing to provide. She offers simple and practical exercise...
With wisdom Speak Truth with...
Learn about the fundamentals of sound healing starting with your voice. A healthy throat chakra is a vehicle for creating wealth, health, and collaborative abundance. Let your voice be part of the solution, not the...
Chakra Cards for Belief Change...
A card deck and therapy tool in one, this boxed set offers 56 full-color cards to assist you in transforming your unhelpful beliefs and raising your vibration to begin creating the reality you desire. The cards fea...
Sacred Energies of the Sun and...
Mesoamerican shamans and practitioners of curanderismo divide each day and night into distinct periods based on the sacred rhythms of the sun and moon. In this hands-on guide, Buenaflor details shamanic rituals and...
How to get quickly grounded and...
Have you been continuously feeling that 2020 is shaping up to be one of the most intense years of our lives? As we are going through a time full of uncertainty, pain, outrage, and loss, it is normal to fe...
Encore: The Energy Response
Tune in as we discuss the hyper sensitive version of the aura. Discover how to identify who's energy and what energy your aura is putting out to the universe and how your life is responding to it.
Encore: Path and purpose
What is our purpose? what path are we on? and is our path leading us to our purpose? On todays show Carol and Justice talk about your Path and purpose
Encore: Leah Guy and The...
Leah Guy believes that disconnection is the root of all fear, and the attempt at letting go causes more problems than it solves. Debunking the myth of detachment and other popular New Age ideologies, she emphasizes...
Spiritual PTSD
On today's show Carol and Justice talk about Spirirual Post- Trumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) how the aura retains certain energy and replays it. Tune in to hear about s...
Leah Guy and The Fearless Path - A...
Leah Guy believes that disconnection is the root of all fear, and the attempt at letting go causes more problems than it solves. Debunking the myth of detachment and other popular New Age ideologies, she emphasizes...
Path and purpose
What is our purpose? what path are we on? and is our path leading us to our purpose? On todays show Carol and Justice talk about your Path and purpose
Encore: The Energy Response
Tune in as we discuss the hyper sensitive version of the aura. Discover how to identify who's energy and what energy your aura is putting out to the universe and how your life is responding to it.
Encore: Soulmate or Soul Lesson?
Is the person you love or the person that you can not get over from the past your soulmate or soul lesson? Tune in as we discuss why our hearts , minds , and auras hold on to certain people . Is the one you love in...
Encore: The Energy Response
Tune in as we discuss the hyper sensitive version of the aura. Discover how to identify who's energy and what energy your aura is putting out to the universe and how your life is responding to it.
Tune in and discover how to identify who the people in your present life time were to you in your prior life time. We will discus...