Archived Episodes
The Secrets of High VIBE...
In our eighth episode of our ongoing series, "Secrets of High VIBE™ Wellness", we welcome our special guest, Sharon McDermott, L.Ac. CBD (LIDA), author of "Unleashi...
Equilibrium Between...
The “Blue Bird of Happiness” is a widely accepted symbol of cheerfulness, happiness, prosperity, birth, and rejuvenation. She represents confidence at its highest accord. She also represents the use of ...
Loss in Life + The Power of...
In today's episode we will be talking about how loss in life can open the portal of our minds + perspectives, remembering our common humanity, and awaken possibility + opportunity that we never expected. We w...
Reincarnation CAN Be Proven.
Join Angie and her guest, Stephen Sakellarios, for Part II of a two-part series as their discussion continues regarding reincarnation. During this program, Stephen shares his own ten-year extensive research proving...
So you think you want a baby...
A conversation about infertility, pregnancy and knowing what is true for you! If you are a new parent in need of useful tips and suggestions, here are some recommendations you might f...
2-Part Interview Saving Lives and...
Fetal Surgery Can Save And Improve The Lives Of Thousands Of Children Worldwide 1 in Every 33 Babies is born with a Birth Defect January is Birth Defects Awarenes...
2-Part Interview Saving Lives and...
Fetal Surgery Can Save And Improve The Lives Of Thousands Of Children Worldwide 1 in Every 33 Babies is born with a Birth Defect January is Birth Defects Awarenes...
The Dolphinization of the Planet...
The Dolphinization of the Planet is the process by which we raise the consciousness of humans to the dolphin level and fully reintegrate the dolphins and other Cetacea into our societies as friends and equal partners ...