cosmos talk radio

Archived Episodes

The Awakened Parent Project with Susan Dolci: Conscious Conversations, Empowered Parenting

Cultivating Spirituality in Children with Dr. Rosie Kuhn

One of the most important things we can do as parents, educators or mentors is to be present with children and model the behaviors and attitudes we hope to see in them.  In her book, Cultivating Spirituali... 

  Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Host: Susan Dolci

Guest: Dr. Rosie Kuhn

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Three Things I've Learned with Susan Dolci: Sharing the Stories That Shift Our Souls

Soul Communications Before Birth and After Death with Dr. Betty Kovacs

We hear of people who have had after-death communications with loved ones who have crossed over.  What can we know about the soul before incarnation?  What about soul contracts between parents and ch... 

  Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Host: Susan Dolci

Guest: Dr. Betty Kovacs Ph.D.

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The Kelly Ballard Show - Insight & Inspiration from the Great Beyond