Archived Episodes
3 Mistakes in Women Self...
Self care is more than green juice and yoga pants. For some self care only adds more stress to the day and for some it’s representing the opportunity to slow down, re-charge and connect back with oneself. Whi...
Why Forgiveness is a Major Sign...
How do you know that it’s time for You to claim some progress in life? Well, let’s test if you’re ready for some new personal growth goals! It’s very common to fall int...
How to Forever Close the Gap...
We all are working on something. We all want to get from A to B, making leaps forward. How do you close the gap between your reality and dream life to end up...
The Essential FIRST Step to...
The more REAL you can get about your situatio...
How to Start Journaling...
Do you feel like your mind is full of chatter and it’s keeping you from feeling clear and focused? Journaling is a very powerful tool wh...
Does Positive Self Talk Really...
Can you hear yourself? “I am the way I am. Positive self talk isn’t going to help me. I can’t change what I’m thinking.” This may remind you how you’ve always related to yourself...
How to Activate Your Inner...
Are you getting emotional and draw conclusions real quick about what's going on right now? Learn how you can activate your powerful inner wisdom instead of your emotions when a problem...
Using Your Intuition is the...
Do you run a scenario over and over again in your mind? Want to stop worrying and getting exhausted? The abilities of using your intuition to never question a decision again is on the rise! Women often ask me ...
Feeling Guilty for Your Success...
Are you feeling guilty when you’ve worked so hard for something and finally can see the fruits of your labor? Why do we close our emotional doors when success finally happens? Lear...
Frustrating Mindfulness...
Are you an ambitious, driven, task oriented busy woman? OK, then you may have the natural tendency to relate to mindfulness practice as a strategic plan. You may relate to mindfulness ...
Your Guide to Yoga when Creating a...
Have you been thinking about trying yoga recently? Something deeper, a way to help you evolve and grow in life? Do you feel that you want something more than just physical exerci...
Need a Reality Check? 3 Steps...
Hey! Have a seat! Time for a Reality Check? New decade is here and ways of living life are coming. Do you live in the past or the future, or do you live today? In our modern world there is always something to striv...
Do You Feel Stuck? Start Here. STOP...
Are you playing the "waiting game"? What does this do to you? Playing the waiting game keeps you away from who you truly are. Your true self. Many women feel stuck, stressed out and inadeq...